What Is fasting?
The purpose of fasting is to draw closer to God. Biblical fasting involves eliminating distractions for a spiritual cause, refreshing our souls from within. It allows us to honor God's goodness and mercy and prepares our hearts for the blessings He has in store for us. When embarking on a personal fast, it's crucial to challenge yourself while also being mindful of your body's needs. Seek God's guidance through prayer and follow the direction of the Holy Spirit.
The Love Letter
Throughout life, you have worked tirelessly to demonstrate the love that you have for your family and to protect them from life’s snares. A perfect way to express your love is to take time to invest in planning for your future through something that we call “The Love Letter.” The Love Letter is a document that contains details of your personal finances and estate affairs and has been created to ensure that your family has the necessary information needed when life changes occur (e.g. sickness, mental illness, death, etc.). Although many of us are good at or may be efficient in the planning of our daily lives, most of us leave behind inadequate or incomplete records about our personal affairs and little to no information for family members to use in order to answer the many questions that come up when serious life changes occur - or in the words of Bishop Rosie S. O’neal “when life flips on you.”
Crisis Numbers
These numbers are the numbers to call in case of a crisis. We want you to know that you are never alone and that help is always available.
If you need help or feel overwhelmed, please call one of these numbers.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
Crisis Text Line: Text “HELP” to 741-741
Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 and press 1
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
1-833-456-4566– Crisis Text Line (text HOME to 741741 for access)
911 or 1-800-799-7233 – Domestic Abuse Hotline
Salvation: Next Steps
You’re saved, now what! Now that you have given your life to Christ, what happens next. You will enter a journey of spiritual growth and transformation. The Bible encourages us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2). This new life in Christ requires continual growth and learning, which is why it's important to spend time in prayer, reading the Bible, attending church services, and talking with other believers. Keep this card handy
Holy Spirit: Next Steps
You’ve accepted the gift of the Holy Spirit; now what? Now that you have the Holy Spirit, it is important to recognize and nurture its presence in your daily life. Start by making a commitment to living according to God’s word. Spend time studying the Bible, praying, spending time with other believers, and inviting the Holy Spirit into every decision you make. Ask for guidance when faced with difficult decisions. Read this document for some things to understand.